Thursday, September 4, 2008

my little blessing

Hi all,
Well, I begged the foster mom of my favorite 2 year old and said we all needed a Nonnie fix! She is our favorite little princess and we will have her for a week. She will probablt be adopted around Christmas and we will all be devastated.
We went shopping and the to McD's for chicken nuggets and apple slices with carmel. I didn't know that you could put ketchup on apples or carmel on nuggets but she seemed to enjoy the different flavors. She sort of shared a strawberry sundae with Carrie and we practiced saying, "My turn" instead of whinning and pointing. She even gave me a bite!
Grandma was fussing and fuming because Nonnie got ketcchup on her shirt! Oh my word! The world will certainly come to an end now!
Nonnie and gma took a long nap when we got home and both were in a better mood when they woke up.
I will cherish our time together. I wish I could use Jesus's quote and say, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them..." I'll take them all!
Gamma Janly : )


Anonymous said...

MA, i know you would take them all!! Your such a wonderful example to me on LOVE.. and what it means to LOVE someone/thing without end!!
i really admire you on your example of Child care.. your indeed a BIG blessing with them & us.
Love ya lady!!

CrownedwithGlory said...

Well, I'm like you I'd love to have as many kids my paitence would leave me.. I often find that I'm learnig a great deal.. Funny to say that and I've been a parent 3 yrs? In an essence I think we all learn..

On a side note, I dont think your a failure to not protect your kids, I believe your any thing but that! A failure is to allow a chid to be hurt emotionally and sexually and all the rest, but when a parent truly doesnt know I dont see that as a failure,I see that as omg what do we do now sort of thing.. Just rest assured that Carrie sees her self as a survivor not a victiam..

So no your not a failure by any means.. Just know that.. If you want to hear my story (Life) let me know and I'll give it to you in a private email..

God bless you..:)
